Appointment in CMC Vellore

Here You can See the Process of Appointment in CMC Vellore

Three Appointment Systems Available

1. Online Registration for OPD 2. Video Calling Appointment 3. Direct after going to Vellore Physically.

Online Registration From Home

Go to Then Click New Patient Button(First time in CMC?)

Click the Terms and Conditions 

Proceed. Fill up the form putting Name Address as per your ID and Mobile Number.

Print Your Registered Form

After submitting the Filled up Form, Do not forget to take Print. You must bring this printed form to CMC on the Date of Appointment.

Video Calling Appointment in CMC Vellore

After Registration, Log in to your Account of CMC Portal. Fix an appointment through Video calling option available there.

Registration and Appointment after Reaching at CMC Vellore

Reach CMC Vellore. Go to ISSCC building. Fill up registration Form. Fix an Appointment with your desired doctor in counter.

Always Carry Card in Your Bag

each and Ever Medical purpose Chris card is Mandatory. This card is delivered after registrationat counter. It is identity of the Patient.

Chris Card is Available at Counter No. 3 & 4

Chris Card is available at OPD building also. ISSCC building is beside the OPD building. 

Treatment of CMC Vellore of OPD 

Three types of OPD available- 1. General, 2. Private and  3. Alfa Clinic. general is cheap, Private is Medium and Alfa is costly.

Tell Your Problem Without Hesitation

Do as directed whatever your doctor advises.

In Details